Business Hours

Note...Summer Business Hours
Wednesday - Saturday

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentine's Day

I hope all of you got a chance to visit and welcome our new neighbors, Blumen Trio. I finally got by there this evening and let me tell you, I am no flower expert, however I can tell you their flowers are beautiful. As I walked up the sidewalk, I could actually smell the fragrance coming from inside.

Bob, Vicki and Mark are all very nice and I wish them much success in their new endeavour.

The Plum Tree has absolutely the most inventory ever, the dealers are finding so much neat stuff that it is hard to show it all so here is just a preview of what we have.

Joy will kill me for featuring her crows front and center because she didn't think they were anything special. Well I happen to disagree with her. They are too cute, and who could resist those lovely lashes.

Vintage floral creamers

Precious vintage metal tray

Beautiful vintage handtowel with vintage lace and trim

Stacks of goodies

Vintage Office Equipment
News came to me two days ago that Dawn decided to give up her room at the Plum Tree.

Although Dawn has a great love for the store and our customers, she has decided to put her heart and soul into what she loves the best and that is creating. For those of you who have been lucky enough to purchase or been given her one of a kind works of art you can say "Hey I knew her when"

I am sure she will be around and will be offering some of her pieces at the store in the near future.

Dawn is offering her entire stock of merchandise at 50% off until the end of the month, so come on in for some super savings.

Adorable half egg Easter planter

Karin is another great artist and this little cowboy shadow box is just one of the pieces she has to offer, and believe it or not the rose at the top of this page is not real but one that Karin makes out of simple household filters.

I have to apologize for my blurry photos, I am still trying to get used to my new camera.

Old pewter, silver and transferware

These translucent black and frost white plates are so pretty...only 4 left

Cute chippy magazine or book rack

This is a great old fan and works fabulously

Copper gazing balls in three sizes

Hope to see you soon!


A bird in the hand said...

Oh I wish I could take over Dawn's room!!! It would be perfect for me.

Thanks so much for your encouraging words, Cindy.

Joy Lett said...

We'll miss Dawn. And we'll discuss the crows and payback later. ;-)